Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Well, here I am....AGAIN! At the point of no return. Or so it feels. I have worked my way down the proverbial ladder of the blog roll and am once again a YEAR away from my last post! Oy vey!

My problem is this - ME! I always take FOR-E-VER to get my pictures from my camera to my computer, which seriously impedes getting a blog post together. I also get to a point where it has been a while since my last post, months perhaps, and I over-analyze the next post, wasting more time trying to decide if I should just move on from there, or go back and post on events I missed.....leading me to just do nothing at all! Oy vey!

Facebook and Skype have not been my friends in this journey either...we created this blog solely for the purpose of sharing pictures with out-of-town friends and family. And we generally just Skype now to keep in touch, or post updates and funny events on facebook. And if I'm being completely honest, I don't do that as much as I'd like either! This is quickly turning into a self-deprecating post....oy vey!

But as our family is growing and the kids are getting older and I am getting farther and farther from getting to that scrapbook of our lives, this blog is becoming more and more important to me. I want to have a record of the big and little moments that make up our sweet life. And there have been some pretty big and sweet moments this last year. So, while attempting to stay current and caught-up with what is going on NOW, I will also be going back to cover some of the best moments of our year - moments like our trip to Italy, our trip to the east coast, the first lost tooth (and the second, third and fourth...), some pretty fun birthday parties, and finding out we're pregnant!

So, bear with me folks! Here's to my 342nd attempt at keeping this blog alive! Oy vey!

Let the Melvin Moments begin! No, really....I'm serious! Honest! oy vey...


Emily said...

what? what is this? can it be....?

The Jacobs said...

Wait, you have a blog?

The Melvin Fam said...

Just shut up...both of you! ;)

Nat said...

YAAAYY! It is about time!