As many of you know, Emmerly is a curious creature (curious as in Curious George, not as in strange or odd) and LOVES science of any kind - bugs and experiments especially! She often spends hours creating concoctions in the kitchen, and calls them her "science experiences" - she started calling them 'experiences' before she could pronounce 'experiments', and it just stuck. So, I wasn't surprised when Em wanted a science party, and I was quite excited too!
Science has always been a particular love of mine as well (ie. minor in Bio), so it was great fun planning a whole party of experiments! The phrase "narrow it down" was not in my vocabulary when envisioning this party, so we just did it all!
Our house became Melvin Laboratories, site of the 2009 Science Experience Extravaganza Convention. Decor included a huge periodic table, posters of the body systems (skeletal, muscular, etc.), a brain and a hand in a jar, beakers, test tubes, microscopes, and of course, Albert Einstein.

When our guests arrived, they had to don the proper attire - every scientist needs an apron, safety goggles and a big bow tie, right?

Then it was time for 'experience' fun!! And what fun there was to be had!! Instant snow and photo-sensitive paper; test tubes and beakers and vinegar and baking soda; Oobleck (a non-Newtonian substance made of cornstarch and water) and paper bodies with body part stickers!

All of these were stations set up outside that the kids could explore and experience at their own pace....adults got in on the action too! And I'm not sure who had more fun, the kids or adults! Then, we did a few experiments all together....
A do-it-yourself "lava lamp" can be made by adding oil and water to a clean bottle - 20 oz or 2 liter. Add several drops of food coloring and some alka-seltzer tablets, and watch the lava flow!

Do you know what happens when you microwave a bar of Ivory Soap? Does it explode? Melt? Try it and see! The kids had fun finding out - don't they look impressed? I think I'll leave you in suspense and let you run out to buy some Ivory soap....

We even made Oobleck dance by putting it on a big speaker, like this! But be careful if you try it at home - it can be loud!! But oh so fun to watch!

Then, we moved out front for our final, and my favorite, 'experience'. While the Mentos Geyser is fun in and of itself, it was the response from the kids that made this so wonderful and memorable for me!! Just watch their faces in this sequence - PRICELESS!!!

Next up, cupcake time! Periodic table-style. These cupcakes were definitely a labor of love - it took quite a bit longer than I expected to set them up appropriately, make so many different colors of frosting, and label with the proper elements. And while I knew NONE of the kids would know or appreciate what the periodic table was, I knew it would be a hit with the adults. I was quite pleased with the result! They were mini cupcakes which was perfect - it would have been HUGE with regular-sized cupcakes!

Emmerly double-fisted the green cupcakes, of course...

...while Nola chose a blue that matched her outfit, little fashionista that she is!

Guests got to leave with their very own test tube and Mentos, so they could continue experiencing and experimenting at home.

What a fun party it was! A truly great time had by all. The kids loved getting dirty and messy, and maybe even learned a little something too. It honestly wasn't that difficult either - so many household items put to good use! Plus, I had some help from Steve Spangler, the science guru. I ordered quite a few supplies from his website, plus got some ideas for experiments there. So, if you're thinking of doing a science party, do it! You'll be glad you did!

that is so awesome!! what a fun party idea ;)
i LOVE this. :o) fab-u-lous!
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