Then, last night, Emmerly and Scott went to Em's school for Dad's Night. It is so cute (well, I can only imagine it's cute - no mom's allowed!!) - they do a mini-session of what a normal school day looks like - circle time, songs, stories, sensory tables and art projects. Oh, and snacks! The kids also get to show off and do a trick with their dad - last year, Em walked up Scott's front and stood on his shoulders. This year, she added a flip down - ooooooo. Last year, one of the little boys in Em's class got up to do the trick and before his dad could get up too, the little boy turned to his dad, held up his hand and said, "I got this Dad." How funny is that?? :) Anyways, so fun for the girls to get a little quality daddy time!
The sculpture and handprints Daddy and Emmerly made at Dad's Night....

Too cute! That is a super neat idea to have a dad's only night! Great bonding for them! I think Nola looks like Gavin as a baby. May sound strange and maybe you haven't gotten it before but I think so!! I can't wait to see them in person! I hear that may be New Year's??????
Cant wait for our little girl to be all grown up like Em. Love the blog!!
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