I'm singing....see?
The whole bahmsha part is the drums......
Members of our family are often found singing this song to our little, who is not so little anymore, Nola. You may know it as "Lola" by the Kinks or "Yoda" by Weird Al, but not in our house! Nola's name was an obvious insert into this song, but we have converted many a song to sing to Nola, and she absolutely loves it! Emmerly inserts "Nola" for every word in "Row Row Row Your Boat" and makes up her own songs about her sister, which is so fun to hear. She also often sings the ABC song when Nola starts to cry, and the crying subsides! It is wonderful to know that she loves and responds so well to music. It is a must in this family! And our newest member has added music in more ways than one.
Nola is now 8 MONTHS OLD as of yesterday!! Yes, 8! Crazy, huh? Doesn't it seem like just last blog she was only 3 or 4 months? Oh wait, she was! We'll ignore that, ok? Just fast forward a few months, and bam, she's 8 months! She is just beautiful and a delight to be around. She really is a very happy baby. She talks a LOT, way more, it seems, than Em did, so Scott's choir concerts can sometimes be tricky! And she is always on the move! Just a quick recap....you'll remember her monumental blog-documented roll-over at around 2 1/2 months. Then she sat on her own around 4 1/2 months and started crawling right at 6. She is now all over, pulling herself up with whatever she finds near, standing on her own for a good while, and toddling around holding onto a little walker.... so we'll see how long it is before she takes the big first step! She also has two teeth on the bottom which have accounted for a few sleepless nights!
I have included a few pics from the last few months to get you up to speed....Enjoy!
First Trip to Disneyland at Four Months
Next to our Disney Brick between Disneyland and California Adventure
Five Months
Six Months....Her first food! She LOVES it!
6 Months and Crawling!
Fell asleep in the Exersaucer!
Seven Months
Nola's Baptism, 10/4
We had a small gathering of family and friends at our house, including Scott's parents from CO, and had our friend Tim perform the baptism in our backyard. It was really nice and very intimate. During the actual baptism, Nola licked the water as it fell down onto her face! It was so cute!
I came into the family room the other day to find Nola like this - Em loves to dress her up! Her own living doll!
All dressed up and walking down the hall!
Eight Months
WOO-HOO!!!! I don't even know if I have words to describe how STINKING CUTE she is!!!! Holy heck! She's huge and adorable and I just need to squeeze her! We miss you and love you all so much!
She is so GROWN UP!!! WOW! I can't believe she is 8 months already! How time flies. Precious!
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