How do you NOT laugh??!!! I didn't, despite the strong urge.....but then I go and take pictures! How could I not? Her response when asked why she did it was "because I just wanted to be an alligator!" She then proceeded to make snapping alligator movements with her arms in Nola's direction....It's definitely one of those moments to remember! During her subsequent bath we had a long discussion about the toxic qualities of paint and what will happen if she does this again....well, we at least talked about getting face paint next time!
(Side note: Yes, I'm very well aware of the lack of posts over the last two months....I'm totally serious when I say that I am always thinking, "oh, I should put that on the blog"....I can see it in my head - what I'll write, which pictures I'll add....but when it comes to actually sitting at the computer and doing it......there's where I fall short! I just downloaded pictures to our computer from the last two months and therein lies the problem. I need to do that a little more frequently! But then, when the blog is already so far behind, it's like, where do I start? I could just go on from here, but Nola has changed so much in the last few months, and there have definitely been some great pics and funny stories to tell, so within the next few days I will post those things I was going to.....you know, the ones I already formulated in my head....Let's all just pretend that I did it on time!)
Well I'm pretty proud how she didn't get it in her eyes or on her clothes. And she does kinda look like an alligator!! So, so cute!!
I'd love to give her a hug right now so I could look like an alligator too!!!!
Love, Mormor
HA HA HA HA!!!! HA HA HA HA!!! ROFLMAO!!! HA HA HA!!! tearing now...HA HA HA!!! HA HA HA!!! HA HA!!! Not sure if I can stop...HA HA HA
WOW!! I love the alligator look!! Tell her next time to use avocados and she can have a mini facial while acting as an alligator!! Nice work Deb! I am so happy for the blogs!!
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