Sunday, July 6, 2008


Just now I was checking the comment Papa and Mormor had made about the previous post - Em's green face and all - and Em came into the room, looked at the computer and saw the pictures and said, "You put that online?! Oh my gosh..."!!! I'm not sure I even knew that she knew what "online" was! Ha ha! Oh, these newfangled kids and their technological ways! Even at three! And yes, I did laugh out loud when Em said it - then she got embarrassed and hid under the table! More LOL.


maren said...

That's hilarious!!!! :o)

Mormor Melvin said...

Since every Spring I ask the name of the purple tree, from now on I'll ask Em...just like she taught me how to turn on your DVR, which I won't remember either!!!!!

Great story, sounds like the beginning of a novel.

Love & Hugs.....