In May, the streets of Orange County are purple with Jacaranda trees. These trees only bloom for a few weeks, but for that time, you can see Jacaranda trees everywhere! Seriously! The purple of their blooms is gorgeous and very vibrant and you can see them from quite a distance. We have one in our front yard so Emmerly quickly learned what it was and for several weeks, every time she saw one, she would shout "JACARANDA!!" She was so excited to see them everywhere! One day we were riding to a choir festival on the bus with Scott's students, and every few seconds you could hear Emmerly - jacaranda.....jacaranda.....jacaranda!! Most of the students didn't even know what "that purple tree" was and were amazed that Em did and that she could pronounce it! Now most of the blooms are gone, but a few trees have some purple left and every once in a while when we spot one, of course Em shouts "Jacaranda!"
Sunday, July 6, 2008
In May, the streets of Orange County are purple with Jacaranda trees. These trees only bloom for a few weeks, but for that time, you can see Jacaranda trees everywhere! Seriously! The purple of their blooms is gorgeous and very vibrant and you can see them from quite a distance. We have one in our front yard so Emmerly quickly learned what it was and for several weeks, every time she saw one, she would shout "JACARANDA!!" She was so excited to see them everywhere! One day we were riding to a choir festival on the bus with Scott's students, and every few seconds you could hear Emmerly - jacaranda.....jacaranda.....jacaranda!! Most of the students didn't even know what "that purple tree" was and were amazed that Em did and that she could pronounce it! Now most of the blooms are gone, but a few trees have some purple left and every once in a while when we spot one, of course Em shouts "Jacaranda!"
Just now I was checking the comment Papa and Mormor had made about the previous post - Em's green face and all - and Em came into the room, looked at the computer and saw the pictures and said, "You put that online?! Oh my gosh..."!!! I'm not sure I even knew that she knew what "online" was! Ha ha! Oh, these newfangled kids and their technological ways! Even at three! And yes, I did laugh out loud when Em said it - then she got embarrassed and hid under the table! More LOL.
when you want to laugh...
but you just CANNOT!!! You know those moments when your child says or does something and you really want to laugh, but if you do, it will totally ruin any chance of getting across to your child that what they just did was probably not the best idea? Well, this morning I definitely had one of those moments.....I'm in the kitchen - cleaning, checking my email.....Nola is in the exersaucer next to me....Em is in the mud room painting....and then she comes into the kitchen.....

How do you NOT laugh??!!! I didn't, despite the strong urge.....but then I go and take pictures! How could I not? Her response when asked why she did it was "because I just wanted to be an alligator!" She then proceeded to make snapping alligator movements with her arms in Nola's direction....It's definitely one of those moments to remember! During her subsequent bath we had a long discussion about the toxic qualities of paint and what will happen if she does this again....well, we at least talked about getting face paint next time!
(Side note: Yes, I'm very well aware of the lack of posts over the last two months....I'm totally serious when I say that I am always thinking, "oh, I should put that on the blog"....I can see it in my head - what I'll write, which pictures I'll add....but when it comes to actually sitting at the computer and doing it......there's where I fall short! I just downloaded pictures to our computer from the last two months and therein lies the problem. I need to do that a little more frequently! But then, when the blog is already so far behind, it's like, where do I start? I could just go on from here, but Nola has changed so much in the last few months, and there have definitely been some great pics and funny stories to tell, so within the next few days I will post those things I was going know, the ones I already formulated in my head....Let's all just pretend that I did it on time!)

How do you NOT laugh??!!! I didn't, despite the strong urge.....but then I go and take pictures! How could I not? Her response when asked why she did it was "because I just wanted to be an alligator!" She then proceeded to make snapping alligator movements with her arms in Nola's direction....It's definitely one of those moments to remember! During her subsequent bath we had a long discussion about the toxic qualities of paint and what will happen if she does this again....well, we at least talked about getting face paint next time!
(Side note: Yes, I'm very well aware of the lack of posts over the last two months....I'm totally serious when I say that I am always thinking, "oh, I should put that on the blog"....I can see it in my head - what I'll write, which pictures I'll add....but when it comes to actually sitting at the computer and doing it......there's where I fall short! I just downloaded pictures to our computer from the last two months and therein lies the problem. I need to do that a little more frequently! But then, when the blog is already so far behind, it's like, where do I start? I could just go on from here, but Nola has changed so much in the last few months, and there have definitely been some great pics and funny stories to tell, so within the next few days I will post those things I was going know, the ones I already formulated in my head....Let's all just pretend that I did it on time!)
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