Here are those pics I promised you! Sorry I couldn't deliver on that promise on Friday! Enjoy...

Leaving the hospital....the Melvins are now 4!

Isn't Nola so cute?? Check out the little smile!

"Welcome home! Welcome home!" Emmerly yelled over and over at the top of her lungs when we pulled up to the house. She had gone home early with Nana and decorated with balloons and "It's a girl" signs and was so excited to welcome her new sister home. It was adorable!

Auntie Tiff and Uncle Todd meet their newest niece.

Mormor's visit - She promised Papa she wouldn't hold Nola since he couldn't hold her too, but she couldn't resist! How could she?

Em is such a proud big sis.

Emmerly's St. Patrick's Day Parade at school. They go ALL OUT!! Green milk, green PB&J sandwiches, etc. Notice decorated scooter (even Irish flags!) and her green cape (hard to see). She had a blast just riding around in a circle for an hour!

Even Nola was sporting her green, with Auntie Jen.

Aaaaawwwww....too cute!

Nola is one month old! Look at those legs!

Look what the Easter Bunny left in my room!

The whole Melvin-Werre clan on Easter at
Grandma and Grandpa's.

Mom....I cut my hair.
(Notice the long hair on her left shoulder,
and the chop job on the right!)

What a stink face!

Look how long her hair was!!

But of course she is cute no matter what. Here's her new bob!

In Colorado for a visit - "It's snowing!! Can I try to catch it in my mouth?"

The Melvins at the Catie and Dave Engagement Extravaganza Luau! Notice Scott and Dave's Tiki hut in the back and Todd's palm tree!! Nice work men!

Dani held Nola as often as she could! What a great cousin!

Em showing off the visor she made at the party.

The whole fam damily!

At Patti's shower for Grace, due May 31st. We can't wait!

The sign I painted for Grace's room!

Nola, Deb and Jen at Patti's shower - sweltering in the hundred degree weather, yet still managing to look fabulous!

Deb's cousins, Megan, Jessy and Erica, along with Nola and Em of course. Outside the Crab Cooker, Aunt Mo's favorite and a must whenever she's in town!

Nola is two months! And enjoying her new swing.

Em and Mommy took a field trip with school - we took the train to San Juan Capistrano and went to Ruby's for milk shakes and then to the petting zoo. Em even got to eat a bagel and have juice on the train ride down!

Emmerly with her teacher Mrs. Kayl on the field trip, and her friend Emily staring off in the distance!
I can't believe how big Nola is getting already!!! Sheesh! And Em is such a good big sister - it's obvious how much she loves Miss Nola!! We love you guys so much!!!!!
I LOVE the one of Em leaning down over Nola's swing. Cute :)
LOVE all the pictures! You will need to send me the one of us from Patti's shower 'cause you're right--we do look fabulous! :)
Debbie - Great pictures on your blog! Your family is adorable!! Thank you so much for the nursing consultation the other week. It was only a couple days later that "things" were healed up and Jonas has been nursing well ever since. My doctor recommended Crisco to help with the soreness. It seemed to work wonders within days! Who knew!? Thanks again for talking with me. Hope to run into you and your daughters sometime soon, possibly this summer a playdate at Patti's? Take care. ~ Rachael (MacDonald) Woodall
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