Hallelujah! Alert the media! The Melvins have posted something else to their blog besides the adorable, yet boring after 8 weeks, video montage that Scott put together at the hospital!! Yes, yes, it's true. For those of you who check our blog daily (Sarah!), today is finally the day that you will not be disappointed! I apologize that it has taken so long, but hopefully you'll cut us a little slack. Not only was I recovering from surgery, but we were learning how to be parents to two, Scott left me and went to New York (and won a national competition and was featured on the Early Show!), we had some visits from Tiff and Todd, Mormor and Auntie Gina, we went to Colorado for a visit and to celebrate the upcoming nuptials of Auntie Catie and Uncle Dave, and Scott wrote and put up a musical in three weeks! So, you see, we've been a little busy! Also, I'm not really used to this whole blog thing. But I promise to attempt to blog once a week. Notice the word attempt. It may be more like every two weeks....but I'll try!! So, I figured I would just put up a bunch of pictures from the last two months to catch you all up on the Melvin happenings, and then we'll go from there. Hang on to your hats and glasses folks, cause there's going to be a lot of pictures!!
So, try as I might, blogger is not cooperating this morning and I can't add anymore pictures right now!! But I tried! I promise! We're actually on our way to San Diego in just a bit, so I'll try in a little while to add more pics, but if I can't, I promise I will on Sunday when we get back, ok? But, just to give you a few more updates...Nola had her 2 month check-up on Monday and is just fabulous. She is 13 lb 11 oz and 23 1/2 inches. She is absolutely adorable and is cooing and smiling a ton! She loves to just sit and chat with her mommy and daddy and big sis. Speaking of which, Em is the best big sister ever - she is so gentle and loving with Nola and talks right back to her in a really cute baby talk. Em is also learning how to give Nola some lovin' without squeezing the life out of her!! :) Scott got in a car accident on Monday night and is just a little sore still, so please keep him in your prayers. I am just fabulous! Feeling really good as far as the c-section goes and most of the time feeling pretty good about my parenting of two skills. I'm still working on getting out of the house - I'm generally running about 1/2 hour late these days, although I hear that I am actually way ahead of the game since I get 1/2 hour grace period for each kid!! So, in that case, I'm generally a half hour early everywhere!
YES!!! This is too funny...I checked the page as I do daily...pathetic I know. So I usually click real fast and see the square with the video then I go back to Mar's page. This time I clicked on the page and then clicked back but paused and thought did I actually see something other than the video block?? YES I DID!! Nice job Deb!! Scott I hope you are ok!! Hope all is well and that the accident wasn't too bad. Keep in touch!! Oh and super cute announcement!!! Love, Sarah
Yea for new blog and super cute pictures!!!! :o) We love you guys!
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