On Saturday night we had a Unity Night for all of Scott's choirs at the school. There was dinner, dancing (with the Wii and Just Dance), games (like musical chairs and Catch Phrase) and fun to be had by all.
It took me a while to realize what Nola was doing.....at first I just thought she was dancing to the music. But there was more to it than that - rather than join in the big game of musical chairs with 20 high schoolers and risk life and limb, she was having her own little musical chairs party on the sidelines, and enjoying it immensely! She didn't even have to fight with anyone over sitting down on the bench. When I asked what she was doing, she said she was mocking the big kids. Ha! She played her game, literally, for an hour! Game after game of musical chairs went on with the "big kids" and Nola sat off to the side watching and dancing, and enjoying her game even better. Needless to say, she slept well that night!
This video is 2 1/2 minutes, but I laugh every single time I watch it, so I didn't edit it...deal with it.
Oh, but first...Nola is sporting a new do too. She had to join in the fun when Em got her hair cut, so she had a shampoo, which she clearly enjoyed, and went under the scissors. This is only her second cut ever, so her hair was SO long! We only cut about 6 inches, but it seems like more since it curls up so much. Another super cute Melvin with a cute short do.
Now, go watch the video and enjoy.
PS - Note that at the end she says, "Did I win?" :)